It’s popsicle season and I’m kicking things off with these Tropical Cooler Popsicles that are a blend of mango, pineapples, kiwi, dragon fruit and just a touch of mint.

Do you know what popsicle season coincides with? Summer! And I don’t just mean the season. I mean kids being home.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it as much as they do. We can sleep in, travel freely and pretty much do as we please. The problem is, I just don’t want my kids to do as they please—left to their own devices, this is what would happen:
- They would get around to brushing their teeth – like never. I don’t even understand this. How do they cope with the grossness?
- All meals would be eaten on the paper or plastic as their work-around to avoid doing their dish chores.
- Laundry would just pile up in the corners of their room until it nearly sculpted itself into a chair.
- And lots of “I’m bored”.
Do you see where I’m going here? This whole summer thing means I have to parent during my work hours. Never has the term “Adulting is hard” been more true than when it’s coupled with summer and kids. Send suggestions if you have some for keeping kids busy during these long summer days.

What does any of this have to do with today’s popsicles? Absolutely zero, except that I’ll be stocking my freezer with healthy pops like this to mitigate them reaching for chips, Gushers and Airheads while I’m working.
Tropical Cooler Popsicles
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