It’s time to get ready for some football, so I thought we might as well get geared up and conditioned for some tailgating with another burger for the week. This one is a twofer stack that combines a burger with some sausage and peppers.

I’m all about extreme burgers lately. Sure it’s heavy food, but summer is nearly over anyways, so let’s beef-up for the onset of fall.
And if you are a regular reader here, then you know Naomi and I at times like to do a little blogger vs. blogger face-off. Today we did burgers, a theme picked out by our little guy Cole, so hit the jump here to see what she came up with. And pssst. . . he was also the judge that picked mine as the winner. Of course photo and presentation, Naomi easily has me beat.
Lucky for us, we love working together so a little friendly kitchen competition is always fun.

Sausage and Peppers Burger
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